Vinod Denim Limited is committed to the development of a culture based on Excellence Plus performance. The Group sets stretching targets in all its operations globally and by applying the four elements of Excellence Plus performance – Client Focus, Innovation, Responsible Behaviour, People Development


CEO- Vinod Denim Limited

Our Team

Our Directors

Mr. Suresh Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Progress has never been a pipe dream for us but it has always seemed a long way off, "Once one milestone is reached, another is waiting to be crossed". Vinod Denim Ltd: A company that came into being an offshoot of Vinod Fabrics was founded in 1980 and with this belief Vinod Denim Ltd. became a household name in its industry. But like every entrepreneur who clings to their passion, we always aspired to push the company to greater heights. We always saw our company as a unit that, more than being a global player, could make a difference with its high-quality and low cost products. Overcoming challenge after challenge with the support of our brilliant team, we have been successful in bringing Vinod Denim to a new milestone of global recognition.

Mr. Vinod Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Group Vinod believe in well strategical service and state of art Machinery with innovation, perseverance and undivided attention, is the customers' need and it continues to be the mainstay of our success. Group Vinod has been well poised as India’s No.1 leading manufacturer of quality denim fabrics for the domestic & international market. Having the highest degree of client's satisfaction at all times allows Vinod Denim to strengthen our quality and inventive capabilities. As a result, we are glad to not only match our customers' expectations, but also to provide solutions that can suit to their requirements. Our employees and channel partners with whom we have progressed and collaborated have been the most vocal supporters of our organisation. We see Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as gateways to the rest of the globe for our products.

Our team of competent professionals is filled with enthusiasm and dedication to leave no stone unturned for the achievement of our goal.
i.e. “To Become The Preferred Source Of DENIM To Enhance Customers' Delight”

Mr. Gagan Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

We, Group Vinod, always appreciate the opportunities to demonstrate our services amd thanks to our skilled workforce. We will continue to try and complete projects by facing difficult business challenges such as unavoidable risks, tight timeframes, market uncertainty, and so on. Our primary goal is to treat our valued clients like channel partners in order to create a mutually beneficial relationship between our companies. Vinod Denim Ltd. is happy to have all stakeholders recognize the company's dedication to project execution and successful project completion. As a result, our clients' success becomes our pride, which is" VDL believes in environmentally friendly practises”.

Mr. Dhaval Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Our dedication to quality has stood the test of time. Our success has been built on innovation, tenacity, and a never-ending focus on consumer demands. Group Vinod has been India's premier maker of high-quality fabrics for both the domestic and foreign markets. We've effectively integrated a wide range of corporate processes, services, and products, all of which are united by a shared vision: VALUE for MONEY. We have always felt the pulse of the market at Vinod Denim, and we have welcomed change and reinvented ourselves to meet the challenges of a fast-paced society and economy which is our entry into the new-age fashion industry

Our Team

Our Directors

Mr. Suresh Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Progress has never been a pipe dream for us. It has always seemed a long way off, and once one milestone is reached, another is waiting to be crossed. Vinod Denim Ltd., a company that came into being an offshoot of Vinod Fabrics, was founded in 1980 with this belief. Vinod Denim Ltd. became a household name in its industry almost overnight, but, like every entrepreneur who clings to their passion, we always aspired to push the company to greater heights. We always saw our company as a unit that, more than being a global player, could make a difference with its high-quality, low-cost products. Overcoming challenge after challenge with the support of my brilliant team, We have been successful in bringing Vinod Denim to a new milestone of global recognition.

Mr. Vinod Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Group Vinod believe in well strategical service and state of art Machinery. Innovation, perseverance and undivided attention to customer needs continue to be the mainstay of our success. Group Vinod has been well poised as India’s one of the leading manufacturer of quality denim fabrics for the domestic & international market. Having the highest degree of client satisfaction at all times allows Vinod Denim to strengthen our quality and inventive capabilities. As a result, we are glad to not only match our customers' expectations, but also to provide solutions that can suit their requirements. Our employees and partners with whom we have progressed and collaborated have been the most vocal supporters of our organisation. We see Egypt and the United Arab Emirates as doorways to the rest of the globe for our products.

Our team of competent professionals is filled with enthusiasm and dedication to leave no stone unturned for the achievement of our goal,
i.e. “To Become The Preferred Source Of DENIM To Enhance Customer Delight”

Mr. Gagan Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

We, Group Vinod, always appreciate the opportunities to demonstrate our services, thanks to our skilled workforce. We will continue to try and complete projects by facing difficult business challenges such as unavoidable risks, tight timeframes, market uncertainty, and so on. Our primary goal is to treat our valued clients like partners in order to create a mutually beneficial relationship between our companies. Vinod Denim Ltd. is happy to have all stakeholders recognise the company's dedication to project execution and successful project completion. As a result, our clients' success becomes our pride, which is" VDL believes in environmentally friendly practises”.

Mr. Dhaval Mittal

(Chairman & Director)

Our dedication to quality has stood the test of time. Our success has been built on innovation, tenacity, and a never-ending focus on consumer demands. Group Vinod has been India's premier maker of high-quality fabrics for both the domestic and foreign markets. We've effectively integrated a wide range of corporate processes, services, and products, all of which are united by a shared vision: VALUE for MONEY. We have always felt the pulse of the market at Vinod Denim, and we have welcomed change and reinvented ourselves to meet the challenges of a fast-paced society and economy. Our entry into the new-age fashion industry

Vinod Denim Ltd

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Vinod Denim Limited (VDL)came into being as an offshoot of Vinod Fabrics Pvt. Ltd., which has been engaged in the processing of synthetic cotton fabrics for over 40 years. Textile sector is a fast growing industrial segment and it is considered as a ‘Sunrise’ sector. Following an MoU with Government of Gujarat in the Vibrant Gujarat meet – 2011 to implement the commitment with Government of Gujarat.